For those browsers in China at least, the WISM way has been deemed by the cyber police as leading to ‘spiritual pollution‘, and therefore our blog has been blocked by the sweetly-named ‘great firewall of China‘.
It wouldn’t be so bad if other websites pouring out hideous tripe were also blocked - Richard Littlejohn for instance. Or Phil Collins.
But no - these are allowed by the powers to have an online presence whilst WISM is not. Perhaps the content is just too darn racy for the good 1.3 billion living behind the ‘bamboo curtain‘.
It must be the dodgy photos of hats. That’ll bring them out on the streets.
We can still post content however we can’t see it, which might result in all sorts of odd layouts and typefaces etc popping up. So please, dear browser, bear with us whilst we try and overcome this slight technical hitch.

The Great Wall (or Walls, to be precise) essentially served the same purpose as this firewall (i.e: keeping out foreigners and their decadent ways).
It might have looked impressive but it ultimately couldn’t stop the tide and failed. Perhaps there’s a lesson here…
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