A big Thank You to everyone who nominated us in round one - now we need your support again in round two.
In this final round of the awards the winners will be decided half by public vote, half by a panel of experts, so your vote counts!
Winning an award would give a huge boost to our efforts to promote the joys of slow travel and provide information to others who'd like to try it themselves so please vote for us.
To do so simply visit the awards website here, select 'worldinslowmotion.com' in the best travelogue category and press vote. Thank you very much!
Hello! We are Lydia and Victor the authors of http://objetivolima.wordpress.com (also nominated by Lonely Planet in the Best Spanish language blog cattegory). We would like to congratulate you for your blog and congratulate you on your nomination and wish you all the best.
Kind regards
Lydia and Victor
I've already voted for everything-everywhere.com because I follow them on twitter, but after looking at your site I almost wish I voted for you.
Good luck with your travels!
From an American living in Norway.
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