As a highly commercially-minded nation, Vietnam offers some of the finest shopping we have experienced so far on our trip.
At times we found the sheer range of goods on offer, and the whole haggling process involved in procuring, somewhat overwhelming.
We needed some light relief and we found this in the shops themselves.
For this country is not only offering every imaginable item for sale at low, low prices but comes replete with a whole host of amusing shop names. The kind of names that would make even your haughtiest schoolteacher guffaw with gusto.
Many shop names induced a snigger out of my Western-oriented, childish mind, but the following were particular favourites:
‘Phuc Long‘
‘Dong Phuc’
‘Phuc Lot’
‘Dong Phat’
‘Hung Dong’
‘Duc Phat’
‘Duc Phuc’
‘Phuc Vu’
‘My Dung’
And last and certainly not least:
'Tommy Dung'

So Topshop, Next, Marks & Sparks: take note and save yourself millions.
Surely you could do better than such bland brands? Ditch the dull names and take a leaf out of the Viets ledgers.
Here's to popping into My Dung for a spot of luncheon next time I'm in Oxford Street.
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