Tuesday, 27 May 2008


I'll put a girdle round about the earthIn forty minutes. Puck, Midsummer Night's Dream, II,1,547

We can’t remember exactly how it started. We can’t even recall when. It was probably on another holiday and over another pint when – as is my want – I proposed the idea for our next trip: “how about going on a wee jaunt around the world…”, Lara screwed up her face “…without flying?”. Her eyes lit up…

A month today we'll be setting off on our trip around the world. Over ten months we'll be travelling east, over land and sea, without the aid of aeroplanes.

We hope this blog helps to engage and inspire you to seek new ways of traveling, and inform and empower you about how to do it.

Keep checking our blog for our latest updates as we travel the world in slow motion.

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